When selling a business, sharing confidential information with potential buyers is unavoidable. Buyers need to conduct due diligence before making a significant financial commitment. Here are some strategies to safeguard your company's sensitive data during this process:
Implement a Robust Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Ensure a comprehensive NDA is in place before initiating discussions or granting access to confidential documents. A well-crafted NDA should cover:
Information access and protection
Permitted information sharing
Information return procedures
Legal disclosure requirements
Consequences of NDA breaches
Information representations
Agreement effects
Process considerations and legal protections
Safeguard Your Team
Be strategic about which team members interact with potential buyers, especially if they're competitors. Consider including non-solicitation clauses in your NDA to protect your employees.
Utilize Secure Virtual Data Rooms
Most due diligence is now conducted through online virtual data rooms. Choose a secure platform that restricts access to authorized parties only.
Selective Information Sharing
Limit Data Room Content: Not all requested information should be shared. Avoid posting trade secrets, classified information, or sensitive contract details.
Before Posting: Use internal resources, investment bankers, or lawyers to review information before uploading. This helps prevent accidental disclosure of highly confidential data and identifies potential issues.
Redact Sensitive Information: It's acceptable to redact customer names and discussions about other buyers or the sales process in board meeting minutes.
Control Information Access
Timing and Selective Access: Utilize data room features to limit access to certain information or folders. Consider disclosing sensitive information only to a smaller group of potential buyers later in the process.
Implement Restrictions: Take advantage of data room features such as preventing file downloads or printing, and adding confidential watermarks to printed pages.
Email Security
Exercise caution when sending information via email. Unless files are password-protected or encrypted, they can be easily forwarded to unauthorized parties. By implementing these strategies, you can better protect your company's confidential information while still providing potential buyers with the necessary details to make informed decisions.